Hooked On Wood
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The Best dust extraction system for the hobbyist workshop!

This page is about dust extraction. I don't think you need to become an expert in dust extraction, but some basic knowledge is important to understand which dust extraction system is best in your workshop! I get too many emails pointing out some misconceptions on this subject. We should not underestimate the health problems associated with poor dust extraction. 

I believe you can create a relatively dust-free workshop and a healthy environment if you know the basics of dust extraction and try to control it at any source that causes it.

There are basicly two different kind of dust extractions. HVLP Dust extractors. (High Volume Low Pressure) And we have the HPLV Dust Extractors. (High Pressure Low Volume) These two systems are so different that you should understand the differences to figure out what system is the best in your situation.

The Best dust extraction for the average Hobbyist workshop!

I am a fan of the Record Power CamVac, and I think it is the new generation dust extraction for the average workshop! The CamVac is a High pressure dust extractor. There are almost NO High Pressure dust extractors with a decent volume. The Oneida Supercell is one, but the CamVac does have some specific advantages that makes it more beneficial for the Hobbyist workshop!

I think I improved the Record Power CamVac in a way, there is nothing more to wish for. I think it became a reference dust extraction system for the Hobbyist woodworker. I made two videos (Workshop series 11 and 12) where I tell you all about it. If you are serious about dust extraction, you should watch these videos because you will end up with a very High-End dust extraction system for an affordable price. 

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The silent box kit is not for sale anymore! 

Unfortunately, It is not possible to order the kit anymore. 
